Jun 6, 2023
One of the things I love about being a mother is seeing the wonder of the world through my son’s eyes. Everything is so fresh and new, which means feelings of excitement, curiosity, and fun!
When we are new to traveling abroad, we take with us those fresh
and eager eyes, too. But as we travel to more and more places, our
sense of awe and wonder starts to fade a bit, just like it does
when transitioning from childhood to adulthood.
But traveling the world with a sense of wonder is unlike anything
else, and just because we travel more doesn’t mean we have
to lose those feelings, so I’m sharing with you a list of ideas to
bring back the wonder into your travels, even if you’ve traveled
quite a bit.
Your challenge after listening to this episode is to choose 1 or 2
to use during your next vacation!
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