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Happy Women Travel More

Aug 31, 2021

When I look back on my life just 3 years ago and even before that, all I see is a woman who was so caught up in the frustration and overwhelm of her career that she missed out on daily happiness.

And while I’ve made a lot of tiny little shifts along the way to bring me out on the “other side”, there is ONE main...

Aug 24, 2021

A lot of people tell me that there’s no way they could ever go on a big international vacation because they simply don’t have enough vacation days. But when you have that mindset, you’re closing the door on opportunities for being able to go on a trip before even trying to see if it’s possible. So let’s start...

Aug 17, 2021

If you’re a fellow “busybody” who is constantly moving onto the next thing in your day - or on your vacation - this conversation with Lifestyle Curator Colet Williams will give you a fresh new perspective on how slowing down can give you a better life and travel experience.

She shares with us the benefits of...

Aug 10, 2021

Do you LOVE to travel, but also kinda hate literally traveling? Do you dread the part of travel where you have to sit in an airplane for hours or have to drive even further once you land at the airport?

If so - I wanna help you fall back in love with traveling again, so on this episode, we are chatting about the literal...

Aug 3, 2021

Hey, guess what?! I’m a brand new mama, and I’m officially back from maternity leave!

During my leave, I’ve been reflecting on what this transition means for me as a woman, how it affects my normal routine, and how even though a part of me can’t wait for the day when my baby is more reactive and can do...