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Happy Women Travel More

Sep 27, 2022

I tend to have very smooth vacations where everything goes as planned. I rarely have flight or airport snafus. My luggage has never been lost. I stay healthy and uninjured. But I recently broke that streak with a very imperfect vacation.

Tune in as I dish the raw and real parts of my trip that sucked, from airport...

Sep 20, 2022

It’s time to give geography the space it deserves on a travel podcast because we would be [literally] lost without its guiding light when planning a vacation. 

From choosing a place to stay in the best part of the city, to leaving yourself enough time to get from Fun Activity A to Relaxing Activity B, to...

Sep 13, 2022

Getting freaked out by staying alone in an AirBnB. Worrying that no one has your back or knows exactly where you are. Wondering if you’ll feel lonely or bored. Unsure that you have it in you to get around all by yourself.

There’s definitely a lot of iffy parts to traveling alone that can make us give it a lot of...

Sep 6, 2022

You know my mission is to help you travel more, but how do you go from just talking about it to actually doing it? The answer is actually pretty simple, but it requires a bit of tough love, which I am happy to dish to you on today’s milestone 100th episode. ;)

Because I am done with you talking about taking that big...

Sep 5, 2022

Join me for a special BONUS episode in celebration of hitting 100 episodes on the podcast! I'm dishing the most and least downloaded episodes on the podcast by category, and sharing lots of exciting personal things that have been happening in my life lately. Let's catch up!

Connect w/ Angela on...