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Happy Women Travel More

Jul 25, 2023



We are celebrating 150 episodes on the podcast and I want to hear from YOU.


I wanna hear what you love about the show. Which topics keeping you coming back every week? Which topics make you excited to press “play”?



Jul 18, 2023

If you’ve ever found yourself on a vacation that didn’t quite live up to your expectations, you might be tempted to think that the next time around, you should lower your expectations.


After all, “if you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment” and “if you expect nothing, you...

Jul 11, 2023

I’ll be the first to scream from the rooftops that you should NOT compromise at all on your vacation plans, but the reality is that there is a time and place to compromise, especially if we’re traveling with other people, have limited vacation time, or a set vacation budget. (Which is most likely the majority of...

Jul 4, 2023

So you wanna go to the Bahamas. And why not? It’s a perfect beach destination, it’s one of the closest Caribbean destinations, and it’s not a hassle to get to. No brainer, right?


Almost a no brainer - because you ARE going to have to use your brain a little to figure which specific island(s) of the Bahamas is...